Eliminate flood cooland and misting. Lubricate dry operations and eliminate burrs. Extend blade life.

01D0-NNZ, Single Pump Jr. Applicator with 9696 N-Nozzle for Band Saws

Easy to install this tuning fork design wraps around the back of the band saw blade (1-1.375") and sprays lubricant out three ports, two at an angle to lubricate the teeth of the blade and one centered over the back of the blade just before entering the cut. Great for vertical or horizontal band saws this simple design is easy to install on just about any saw. Comes with a manual on/off or add a #9518 solenoid.

Price: $672.00
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Manufactured by Accu-Lube

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  01D0-NNZ, Single Pump Jr. Applicator with 9696 N-Nozzle for Band Saws  - Eliminate flood cooland and misting. Lubricate dry operations and eliminate burrs. Extend blade life.
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