Tempilstiks Temperature Indicator Markers. Available Ranges From 125 Deg F to 1600 Deg F

Now you can employ accurate temperature indication quickly and easily without the use of expensive and bulky gauges or electronic systems. And, at a fraction of the cost of other devices. Tempilstik is a simple, easy-to-use temperature indicator which is guaranteed accurate to +/- 1% of the rated temperature. It is ideal for a wide range of applications from surface temperature measurement during metal working procedures such as heat treating and welding to the measurement of operating temperatures of bearings or motors. To use Tempilstik, simply mark the surface. Tempilstik will make a mark by melting at the point of contact once the surface reaches the product's rated temperature. Resembling a mechanical pencil, Tempilstiks are handheld and indicate temperatures within 1% accuracy by changing from a solid to liquid form on the applied surface. Their accuracy is solely based on the melting point of the stik€™s preselected organic compounds. The user simply tilts the retractable €stik€ to a 45 degree angle and marks the surface to be heated or preheated. In the 1930€™s a Navy Metallurgist, Harry Blumberg, experimented with organic compounds with known melting points. He would sprinkle these organic €pills€ on the heated surfaces before the welding process. These granules were called Temp €pills€ and thus the Tempil product and name was formed. Tempilstiks are essential tools for welders, pressure vessels, off-shore oil rig fabrication, pipeline construction, as well as many other applications where a temperature threshhold needs to be determined. Many pharmaceutical engineers use tempilstik indicators to double-check the sterilization process in their labs. They can confirm the point of sterilization (250 degrees Fahrenheit) by marking the surface and observing a change in the mark from solid to liquid. Tempilstiks simply outpace electronic temperature indicators in ease of use and dependability. The €stiks€ are portable and are not compromised by factors such as humidity, static electricity, calibration, or being dropped. No extensive training is needed to operate a Tempilstik although it is recommended that you sample the pen on a piece of heated metal to get a feel of how the "stik" goes on and reacts to temperature before putting into use. Tempils are a great solution for those seeking reliability and portability in a sturdy easy-to-use pencil. These €stiks€ come in over 100 hundred temperatures and are packaged in boxes of 10.

Price: $10.50
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Manufactured by Tempil

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